Thursday, February 12, 2009

A-Roids! Shame of a Nation


Says the Commish.....

You have to give ARod credit for coming clean, its hard to face the truth. With the Yankee faithful constently scrutenizing his every move, play and contract, he doesn't need this stuff. Then again would you rather be in ARod's shoes or Chris Brown??? heh.

One solid season and perhaps a World Series championship, New York may forgive A Rod, maybe.

Lets step back a second, and picture ARod being that kid who has pressure from their parents to get into University, not just ANY university, maybe a prestigious one such as Waterloo or Queens. This kid stays up all night, takes caffine pills or what not to help them stay up later, to study more. They pass the exams, get the 90 and get into that program.

Okay maybe not the best example, but the bottom line is you have an individual that will do what they need to do, in order to get the best results, due to the high expectations / pressure brought onto them.

A Rod feeling the mounting pressure of a $225 million dollar contract, giving into taking performance enhancing drugs, that were readily available, so he could produce the #'s that would help justify his contract.

He gave into the pressure, and you can think of many situations where you, or someone you know had given into pressure to succeed, and maybe had done something to help them get ahead.

Yes Bud Selig, go tell the nation A Rod is a shame.... but don't throw stones when you live in a glass house Bud...

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