Monday, February 15, 2010

leaving the pieces

A little while ago, I was on the way home after a long day at work. Waiting for my Bus to arrive, I saw someone I thought I had recognized that I had not talk to since maybe 2002. I do have this person on facebook and can totally creep their life if I choose to, but that's not me. Anyways, so I spent the 5 minutes until the bus arrived debating on whether or not to approach them and ask. The thing I hate about that the most is if you are wrong and its not who you think it is... ackward situations are not my thing.

So I didn't actually end up saying hi or anything, and I guess for me this person is connected to a lot of good and bad memories. I had a lot of good times with this person and well they are connected to people that had left a not so good memory with me.

I spent the bus ride back home thinking about the few years we worked together and our circle of friends at that time, and how everyone had drifted apart. I also thought about what I would say if I had approached them and the questions I would of asked and the answers I would of gave, as well as having to answer some questions that maybe would of come up, but really did not want to answer.

In the end, I won't know for sure if it was infact that person I had just spoken about. I do know that we do live in the same area, so it could of full well been who I thought it was, but until we do cross paths again, I won't know for sure. Do I regret not approaching this person? no. Sometimes the past is worth leaving. I know from experience, some things are better left in the past, and if we do cross paths again, thats cool and I look forward to that time if it does infact happen, but right now, I'm content with just letting life go on and the 45 minutes or so of reminicing over some great times.